This is our guest room.
It has been occupied by boarders since we moved in 6.5 years ago.
At last count, there’s been about half a dozen who have called this room home.
From as far away as China, Spain & Jamaica.
Not to mention the countless number of short-term guests.
Needless to say… it has also housed many different… aromas!
I had to Lysol the room before the next occupant moved in.
The room smells like Blossoms & Springtime
for now
Allow me to introduce the newest tenant…
As a pre-teen… she comes with various “fragrances” of her own…
In particular are her feet which have been known to make a grown man weep!
I have a confession… her DNA was doomed from the get-go! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
It’s no joke that my Lysol Fabric Mist {Refresher} sits next to her shoes. I don’t use it just for the pretty Blossoms & Springtime scent either ~ it kills 99.9% of bacteria on fabrics.
I’m killing stinky foot stench one spray at a time!
yep. I'm a lysol user too.
I have that same stinky foot DNA! Seriously…as a teen my mother would throw my shoes out the door 'cause they stunk so bad… and today, yeah, they still stink
I am not looking to all of the smells that come with the teen years! Glad you have Lysol to help you out!
My son has foot DNA problems as well and it's awful. He's a teen and comes home, washes his feet every day, changes his socks and we use Lysol to keep things under control. It's a competition between him and the kitty litter now which is rank lately b/c sir thomas is getting old and has an old dead animal smell about him. Ewwww
I swear by Lysol too!
Haha, I think our bottle of Lysol will have a new home too!
I've seen these Lysol products around the house but never knew what they were for, lol! I have a feeling that I am the main culprit in our house…
Ha! Love this post!
Yes, Lysol does come in handy
We have boarders too