I met Adria MacKenzie, the Media Relations Manager for GM Canada, while at a party with the fine folks from Mabel’s Labels, during Blissdom Canada 2010. That blogging conference had some pretty incredible sponsors and attendees!! Adria, Tara from Tara’s View of the World (my virtual assistant & BFF) and I hit it off immediately. 🙂

So Adria… thank you for your contribution!

First of all, I would like to thank Shannon for co-hosting Bliss at Home ’11 and asking me to be a part of it. I too, learned so much from BlissDom Canada and I’m glad I have the opportunity to share my experiences with all of you.

These are my tips and insights from my personal experience representing GM Canada in the social space:

In the conference sessions I’ve attended, “How can I work with brands?” or “Get brands to recognize me!” seem to be popular topics. I think the best answer I can give is to reach out and connect. Send us a tweet, comment on our Facebook page, if you know our email, send a note.

It can be very challenging for brands to keep track of and connect with everyone who enters the social space. I really appreciate it when someone reaches out to me with a great idea and I make every effort to respond.

A good approach when you engage a brand is to have a plan ready: clearly identify what you are looking for and what you can offer in return – and be realistic. We would love to give everyone a car, but unfortunately we can’t always do so. But, don’t sell yourself short either.

And keep in mind that brands can be looking for a variety of things – it’s not always just dollars and cents. At GM, we always appreciate opportunities that provide concrete business results, but beyond that, we also value building new relationships with influencers and social media practitioners and getting involved in activities that may help change perceptions about our company.

Also, be authentic and know your audience. You’ve built up a community that respects your opinion. Be true to them. A program or review needs to fit with their needs and interests and your philosophy and any engagement with brands should maintain that focus and integrity that you have established.

At GM Canada we’re always looking for new ways to connect with people and working with you is one of the important ways we are reaching out. Please know that I would be happy to discuss your thoughts on how we as a company can improve and I’m always open to discuss any opportunities for us to work together.

If you have an idea or just want to say hi, feel free to send me a tweet @AdriaMacKenzie or email adria(dot)mackenzie{at}gm(dot)com.

*This giveaway is now closed.* Adria has been so generous to donate FIVE LADIES GM Chevy Cruze Sportswear Jackets (4 XL & 1 L) by Outer Boundary with SMARTech for me to giveaway! (They are black and look similar to this Teamwear jacket)


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. What a gret giveaway thanks Adria!
    I'd be down for one of these coats in sz Large 🙂

  2. I follow you on GFC my dear 🙂

  3. I like Shashers life on FB 🙂

  4. Following Adria on Twitter @onlybluemomma

  5. Great article!It never occurred to me that I could/should be the one to approach corporations…I've been waiting, twiddling my thumbs, feeling un-popular!! That said, I'd love to chat Adria! Thanks ladies!

  6. Always a pleasure to visit Shasher's Life. Id like a Sportswear Jackets in L but i take XL too.

  7. Follow Shasherlife on Twitter @xmd5

  8. Follow Adria on Twitter @xmd5

  9. Follow on Google Friend Connect (xmd5)

  10. Subscribe to Shasher's Life by Email
    (fwdsd45 @gmail.com)

  11. Like Shasher's Life on Facebook (ted kooper)

  12. Follow Shasherlife on Twitter



  13. Subscribe to Shasher's Life by Email


  14. Like Shasher's Life on Facebook

    fb:suzie p. santos

  15. Interesting to read about how bloggers and companies work together I'd love the jacket in large.
    jentam777 at gmail dot com

  16. I follow you on twitter — jentamar.
    jentam777 at gmail dot com

  17. I follow you on gfc.
    jentam777 at gmail dot com

  18. email subscriber.
    jentam777 at gmail dot com

  19. This would be perfect for my Mom and she needs a sz XL

  20. Subscribe to Shasher's Life by Email

  21. Like Shasher's Life on Facebook

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love a large..:)

  23. I like you on facebook(Karla Sceviour)

  24. I follow adria on twitter

  25. Great giveaway. I would like a large.

  26. I would love an XL! Thanks for doing this!

  27. What a great op & a great giveaway!
    I'd love an xl if I'm lucky enough to win 🙂

  28. I follow @AdriaMackenzie on twitter (@missbobloblaw)

  29. I just found out about your blog today!

    I would love a jacket in an XL.

    Many thanks,


  30. I love Adria- great post 🙂 I'd like an xl jacket please!

  31. I follow you on twitter and tweeted

  32. I follow Adria on twitter too.

  33. A very generous giveaway!
    I'd take either size.


  34. I love the concept of building relationships between influencers & brands.

    I met Adria at blissdom Canada – she was lovely!

    I would tweet from the hilltops in the size L


  35. Just tweeted from the hilltops for you


  36. I follow your blog via GFC.

  37. Great giveaway!

    I would like the L please.

    tleesfb at yahoo dot ca

  38. And now following Adria on Twitter


  39. I like you on FB. (Amy M)

  40. Awesome giveaway! I'd love it in L.

  41. I follow Adria on twitter @nugglemama

  42. following you on twitter @tlee351 & tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/tlee351/status/33354431458185216

    tleesfb at yahoo dot ca

  43. Following on facebook too Julia G

  44. Great info and thanks to Adria for the giveaway! I'd pick the Large. 🙂

  45. I follow you on Twitter.

  46. wow, what a nice giveaway! Thanks so much Adria and Shash! I'd need an XL…. broad shoulders you know! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. I LOVE you (ok…. like you) on FB!

  48. linked up my blog on Bliss at Home on Facebook.

  49. linked up my twitter on Bliss at Home on Facebook

  50. linked up my FB page on the Bliss at Home page on FB

  51. cool – I'm already following Adria as @OKtobeWEIRD 🙂

  52. tweeted today:

    (the other one shows up as today's date but it was last night for me still….)

  53. I would love to win the size L!!!


  54. I would love the XL THANKS!

    newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

  55. I follow you on GFC
    newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

  56. I follow Adria on Twitter
    newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

  57. I like you on FB as Maggie Smith/Super Savvy Mommy

    newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

  58. I'd love to with the size Large. Tweeted to Adria: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/37158065182613504
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  59. i would love the xl :0) sent Adria a tweet

  60. i follow you on twitter and tweeted

  61. i Follow Adria on Twitter

  62. i follow you on gfc

  63. email subscriber

  64. Liked Shasher's Life on Facebook
    angela m

  65. Following Adria on twitter ~ @henglish
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  66. Following via GFC
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  67. I'm an email subscriber
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  68. Like on facebook ~ Huguette En
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  69. I tweeted Adria and thanked her for the giveaway. I would love an XL jacket. I manage to shrink almost everything I wash so I'm sure it would fit perfectly by the time I'm done with it.


  70. I follow Adria on twitter as edmontonjb


  71. I follow with GFC


  72. I follow you on twitter @debpaiz

  73. I follow you on twitter @debpaiz

  74. I follow you on twitter @debpaiz

  75. Following Adria on Twitter

  76. I would love to win this jacket in a size large.

  77. Tweet & following (@hgenglish)
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  78. I would like the XL (Large would fit too)
    I sent some twitter love
    fb fan Bliss at Home (Debbie W)

  79. I Follow Adria on Twitter @mommakoala

  80. I follow via GFC (Koala) I've always been following

  81. email subscriber

  82. I Like Shasher's Life on Facebook (Debbie W)

  83. What a great blog you have and a great contest! I would love the XL I have followed on twitter and tweeted out the giveaway. You can reach me @lexilighter. Thanks!!!

  84. Daily tweet –


    Forgot to include my email in my first comment:

    sektor_meland at hotmail dot com

  85. Thanks for the offer

    Florence K

  86. Thanks for the offer

    Darlene S

  87. I appreciate it.


  88. Totally cool jackets!!!!

  89. Hi, I would love the Large.



  90. I've got you on Twitter, GFC and FB. I'd love an XL

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