
Celebrating Academic Milestones and Personal Growth in 2024

I want to share a huge milestone in my journey with you all, especially since it ties into my “Open Doors” theme – my word for 2024!

While I’ve accomplished remarkable feats without a formal education, the absence of that degree has impacted my confidence over the years. Looking back over my life, it prevented me from pursuing opportunities I thought were out of my league.

But guess what?!

I am thrilled to announce that I finally completed my BA (which I started in ’92) at Kairos University this month! Seriously, can I get a virtual high-five?!

But in typical Shash fashion… I GO BIG!! I’m jumping in with both feet and excited to let you know that I’ve embarked on my journey toward a Masters in Leadership!

I’ve spent countless hours combing through blog posts, social media, emails, journals, and memories from the last three decades to provide enough proof of life and work experience to complete the BA in Leadership and launch myself well into the Master’s program. It’s been a journey of self-discovery; let me tell you, it’s done wonders for my self-esteem.

Over the past six months, I’ve had my fair share of doubts. I’ve questioned my abilities and where I fit in this crazy world. But you know what turned it around? Reflecting on the incredible moments, achievements, and challenges I’ve tackled. Gathering awards, endorsements, articles, photos, videos—you name it—has been like fuel for my fire.

It’s given me a fresh perspective and an excitement for what lies ahead.

Speaking of reflection, as I’ve been diving back into some of the sermons I’ve preached over the years, I thought you’d like to hear one. This is the last message I preached at our former church (we transitioned from Senior Pastors to Overseers in May 2022) the week before moving from Ontario to BC at the end of August 2022. Ah, memories!

So here’s to embracing new beginnings and uncovering endless possibilities! I couldn’t do it without the incredible support from my closest friends and family. Thank you.

Now, I invite you to celebrate my personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of new opportunities. 🎉🎉🎉


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. Congratulations Shannon!
    Hope you are well and enjoy living on the west coast again.
    You go girl and get your masters.

    1. Thank you Rose. It’s wonderful out here on the ocean, we are enjoying our new life.

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