This is the time of year that we usually sit and reflect on the year, the up’s and the down’s, the good – the bad – and the ugly moments in life. There’s a lot of time in a year, it’s hard to figure out what you’ve done for the past 365 days.

I knew I wanted to get it done though so I here I sit by the glow of a beautiful Christmas tree with a sleeping toddler by my side and Dave’s Butter Tarts baking in the oven. What could be better than that?

Let me start off by saying a big thank you to all our family and friends for your love and support throughout 2007. It was a busy year, it started off with a bang – had a bit of a lull in the middle but it is ending with fireworks!

So here it is… a year in review:


January – My man turned 40 on the 4th, I managed to throw him a surprise birthday party, a Sock Hop, on New Year’s Eve. He was completely shocked especially since he helped me plan the “church” event! At the very end of the month, my hubby and I spent a wonderful week in San Diego, California with many of our amazing friends in ministry. This is was highlight of our year for sure. A time for us to get away with leaders from other Churches from all over the US and Canada, to get our batteries recharged!

February – My hubby took Q for his first winter camping trip in Algonquin Park. They slept in a Yurt this time around, gone are the igloo making times – they’ll save that for the backyard. Quinton had a great time and was looking forward to camping in -30C weather again in the new year but the parks Yurts are all booked and I don’t think my hubby will take him in a tent…

March – My parents went to China on a mission’s trip, they’ve promised to take me with them next time!! I knew I had that job at King Louie’s (Chinese Restaurant) all those years for something!! Beijing in 2008 might not be the best timing though…

April – My father in law remarried on the 28th so we had to move into our portion of the house — whether it was ready or not.

May – We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on May 11th. It was a busy month with church events so not much time to actually celebrate but I’m not complaining… we did manage to get an amazing cruise around the Hawaiian Islands in October 2006 for our 10th anniversary. We take it when we can get it. Our only daughter turned 7 but deep down inside… she thinks she’s 13!

June – I flew out to BC with Jake for a surprise visit to my younger sister for her birthday. You should have seen the expression on her face!! I do have pictures around here someplace if you’d like to be reminded… It was a great week with everyone. I wish a week lasted longer.

July – This was a big month!! My kitchen floor was finally installed! A nice, dark, espresso brown, cork floor. Good job on the installation hunny! I also moved up from counter top burners and a toaster oven to an actual stove!!! I also finally got my kitchen sink — no more washing dishes in the laundry tub that was installed in the furnace room… It was fun feeding a family of 6 and 2 international students and 1 room ‘n boarder in the midst of all of this!!

August – Jake turned 2 and by the end of the summer we realized that for the first time as a family, we didn’t go camping! In fact, we actually hadn’t had a family vacation all year long. We went on business trips together, just the two of us… but all of us as a family needed to get away. Before the kids went back to school we took a much needed, our family only, vacation to Pigeon Forge, TN. We drove there and back and actually survived. We were there after the US kids were back in school so the lines at Dollywood weren’t that bad — or maybe it was the 110F by mid-day?! Playing mini-golf in 97F weather at 7:30pm was a new experience!! The best part of the trip besides spending some excellent time with the kids… sleeping in the brand new Christmas themed hotel!!

September – Q started grade 4, Missy is in grade 2, Li-Li is in Senior Kindergarten and Jake is still napping for 3 hours in the afternoon!!! Handsome man (Li-Li) turned 5 and I turned 35 as well! I celebrated it by going on a road trip with 3 other friends to the US. Thanks to my sister in law in West Virginia for putting up with us and all our shopping bags!!

October – We had a beautiful fall, probably the best and warmest weather on record, Thanksgiving Day we should have BBQ’d that bird!! Q turned 9 and on that same day I turned in my resignation letter at work. I felt an awakening that is hard to describe to anyone who didn’t see me in person go through it. I gave up Tuesday night Cardio Salsa classes and started a ladies Bible study in my home. It has been an amazing journey.

November – On November 2nd I retired after working for 11 ½ years at the Credit Union. My kids picked me up from the office with signs, “Welcome home Mommy” in their hands. Leaving work was a difficult but a necessary decision for me and my family and for our church. This is the first time that I have not held a “paid” job since I was 12 years old! The two of us celebrated by going to LA for a week for a church conference… I felt so empowered when we returned. The kids can’t wait until I can help them in their classrooms.

December – My parents flew out early in December to celebrate Christmas with us. We enjoyed our time together – especially touring Toronto trying to find the perfect combination of cheese and wine!!

It’s hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone. It snuck up on me again this year and soon another year will begin. Don’t you just love this time of year? I love New Year’s – a time for new beginnings – a fresh start!! A whole new year to see God at work. I’m truly excited for 2008! There is a sweet stirring in the heavens and I am ready for amazing things to happen in our lives.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Lots of love from us

I found last year’s – 2006 review list


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. great minds think alike… I just did a review too!
    love ya
    miss you

  2. What a year!!
    Love the pic of Dave and the kids

  3. I love this. This is so cool. I think it is great to review the puts everything into perspective.

    Love the blog.

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