So far, in part 1, I blogged about the importance of staying focused and in part 2, a testimony of a miracle we experienced because …
My Miracle Arrived by Staying Focused | Part 2
This past Sunday, I preached on the importance of staying focused. Today, I want to share a bit more… hence the “Part 2” in the …
When being generous gets tough…
“People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. …
Never Stop Dreaming
I woke up early early one morning back in November with this thought….“In order to create you must first be able to dream.” Don’t you …
giving… what’s that all about?
To tithe or not to tithe? Why should I give? Who should I give to? Is it under Law or Grace? These are some of …
A husband is like a rubber band…
Today I preached. My hubby took the weekend off to have some male bonding time with his dad and big brother. They took a bus …