Well, the conference is officially over 🙁 but it is just the beginning!! 🙂 Because we don’t have an evening service at our church, on …
the past 5 days of power
I am trying to take today to soak in all that I heard, learned and was spoken over me over the past week at our …
12 is a funny number
I just returned from spending 12 days in beautiful British Columbia with my side of the family and my daughter. We had a wonderful time! …
I think that word had been given a bad rap over the last few decades. I keep mentioning to friends and family (within and outside …
just thinking…
Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes …
Before He Speaks
why didn’t I think of this first… 😉