I started writing over 13 years ago, sharing about my life; which included my kids, church, travel, and lessons learned along the way. Until I …
It’s been too quiet here!

I started writing over 13 years ago, sharing about my life; which included my kids, church, travel, and lessons learned along the way. Until I …
I’m only in my fourth year of attending conferences for bloggers and social media mavens. I’m sure there are others out there who are …
Don’t answer that!! I started a fan page! Yes, a Facebook Fan Page for Shasher’s Life. This blog. Part of me feels a bit strange…. …
Do you like it?! Grab it for your site if you do and let me know you’d done that. I’m creating a page strictly for …
BlogFrogUserID = 22837; BlogFrogBlogID = 316000; BlogFrogColor = “red”; BlogFrogN = 5; BlogFrogWidth = “narrow”; BlogFrogShowTop = “False”; Find the blogs of your friends from …
Do you remember collecting stickers back in elementary school? Maybe I’m dating myself… those were the days! Now… I’m collecting buttons! Do you want your …