I am enjoying hopping around the blog world for the Ultimate Blog Party 2010, getting to know new bloggers and finding all sorts of people …
Wordless Wednesday – Sisterly Love
My baby sister and me! You can participate in Wordless Wednesday too!
A tribute to my parents
I have got the most amazing parents! No really I DO!! Unfortunately, I learned to appreciate them after I moved 5,000 klm away. Is that …
Puppy Love
Sitting on my lap right now while I lay on the couch is not just my laptop… We bought a puppy!!! The kids have been …
Maple Syrup Festival 2010
I have to admit, we live in a pretty incredible area of Canada. One reason I can think of off the top of my head …
My Little Li Li
This little boy is my Joy Boy. He is so special to me for multiple reasons besides the obvious ones that he is my son and I’ve spent …