This was the third and final year that my daughter sang in the Kodály Choral Festival here in the Waterloo Region. The only one like …
I need to retire…
I need to retire HERE! Roatan, Honduras ~ trip taken in March 2012
Wordless Wednesday ~ Fish Lips! {w/linky}
How does a nearly 40 year old, mother of 4 ~ STOP making fish lips in her pictures?! #Zoolander #HELP It’s Wordless Wednesday time again! …
Wordless Wednesday ~ Do I Have to Leave?!
Why do vacations have to end…….. It’s Wordless Wednesday link up time!!
You know you’re addicted to the Internet when…
You know you’re addicted to the Internet when you are here… and all you’re thinking of is, “Man, I wish the hotel had WiFi on …
Flying with small children can test your patience!
I was reading “Flying with a 1 year old” by Domesticated Momma tonight. I started to leave a comment, a memory of flying with little …