I think I should start a blog solely dedicated to the silly things kids come up with.
The other day I was putting Mr. Silly to bed for his usual afternoon nap. He got all cozy and comfortable in front of the TV. I said to Mr. Silly, “You can’t watch TV, you have to go to sleep!” He replied, “I can sleep with one eye open.” Nice try buddy. Which reminds me ~ it’s almost an hour after his naptime was supposed to start. He really doesn’t need the nap… but I really need the break!!
Silly? You want to hear silly? Dd4 was told to brush her teeth before bed…this is how the conversation went:
Mom: G, go brush your teeth
G: I can’t
Mom: why not?
G: my toothbrush is in the laundry room
Mom: Why is it in the laundry room?
G: I don’t know
Mom: how did it get there?
G: I put it down the heater (vent)
What I want to know is what are these kids thinking??
I could tell so many more!!
wow 3 posts in one day!!! you on a blog marathon or something??
I love kids antics!! they try and try to get away with stuff all the time