Say it with me – you know you want too, “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…” I can hear the clicking of heals across the nations!!
Yes, that’s right – we’re home!!! And the crowd goes wild – YEAH!!!!
What a long day of driving, we put on over 2,000 something kilometres this week. We left Fairmont, West Virginia around 11am and I just finally got the kids into bed – around 11 hours later! I’m shaking – I’m so exhausted (also I haven’t eaten since lunch). That many hours in a mini-van with 4 kids, a teenager and a husband (who wouldn’t stop by every mall, despite my begging…) is enough for one pretty sane woman/mother/wife to go a little bit crazy!!!
Ok, we stopped by one mall – a very big mall mind you. Grove City Prime Outlet Mall in Pennsylvania – we only did a quarter of it and that took a couple of hours. I didn’t buy much there, not really the deals or the selection – plus I had spent a boatload yesterday in West Virginia… sshhh!!
It was a good time away, visiting with friends in Maryland, church with our spiritual family in Virginia and family in West Virginia. We saw a lot of historical sights like the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the White House and Gettysburg. We also met with new people and shared the history of our church and our vision for the future of it. Shared with our friends and family what God has been doing in our lives and the changes that have occurred in the last 4 years.
Now that we’re back, I’m going to be busy busy I have lots to get done this week alone. We are having a Spring concert at our church next Sunday night and then I’m heading to BC the following day for my niece’s wedding. Never a dull moment here. I’ll be gone another week then I come home just in time for a week of church meetings. Then it’s June!! Right after that we’re having a “Princess Tea Party” at the church for all the King’s daughters. It’s a formal affair!! It’s turned into a fundraiser for my friend who was just diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, she’s a young mom of 1 stepdaughter and 3 little boys and I love her dearly!
My hubby says it’s time to unpack and get things organized for the morning, we have church and I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone – have I told you before how much I love my church?!! We’ve visited many different churches in many different countries over the years and I still believe there’s nothing like NSC. It’s all about the people… and they are incredible.
glad you are home!!! can’t wait to see you in a week!! yeee haawww
Shashee – loved that you found a computer and glad you’re home…can’t wait to see you at J & L wedding!! Miss you!!
Shashee – almost forgot – I’m at
Here via Wendy. You’re a brave woman to take that trip in a minivan with family. A very brave woman indeed. I admire you for even thinking about unpacking before crawling into bed under the covers.
Hey, I can finally comment again!! I have internet…We are happy you guys are home too, seemed like it was longer then it really was!!
Wow, you are busy busy. My day seems hardly worth worrying about when your life seems so hectic! lol
I’m glad to hear you had such an exciting trip. I think the best deals I’v found were in West Virgina while visiting Aunty G at Christmas. There is no GABS down the street from me here in PA. When I have a bigger house you guys will have to come visit me.
It’s so nice to be home isn’t it? Fun to be out and about, but something amazing about coming home….minus the laundry and unpacking and getting back into routine and on and on and on. Good to hear you had an awesome time.
I came here via Wendy, and enjoyed reading your site!