Thirteen Traits Of A True Friend
1… Honesty. A true friend will tell you the truth no matter what and you should be able to tell them your opinion or view without persecution or rejection. Having someone who will give you an honest answer is priceless. (Prov. 27:6) 2… Dependability. The people who truly value their friendship with you will keep their word. If you cannot count on someone, or if they cannot count on you, the friendship will not last. 3… Respect. Mutual respect is a large part of a good friendship. If someone is not respected, their opinions and feelings will be discounted and overlooked. 4… Optimistic. Looks at the world and life with a positive spin, doesn’t always focus on the negative. Optimistic people are much more fun to be around, they tend to be encouragers. Those focused on what’s wrong with their life, their spouse, their job… can be exhausting. 5… Fruitful. Galatians 5:22-23. You should strive to have all these qualities in your relationships. A good tree bears good fruit. 6… Listener. If you spend the majority of the time talking or if you have a friend that monopolizes the conversation, the relationship will not work. We need to take time to listen and we need friends to take time to listen to us. (James 1:19) A listening heart attracts many friends. 7… A true friend will love and are helpful at all times. (Prov. 17:17) 8… No one understands a good heart-to-heart talk or a good laugh like your girlfriends. 9… A Gift. Friendship is a gift we never want to take for granted. Be the girl who rescues others. Be a lifeline and don’t ever give up on anyone. 10… Be Friendly. Grab each opportunity to build new relationships by doing the small things to make it happen. Make the first effort by showing yourself friendly. (Prov. 18:24) 11… Focus on Others. People want to talk about things that matter to them. If you spend 4 hours talking about your bad day, don’t be surprised if they start avoiding you. Find out what they like, what you have in common. 12… Do kind things without looking for credit. The simple principle of sowing and reaping works in friendships too. (Gal. 6:7) 13… Be a good friend to yourself. You will be a better friend to others when you learn to like yourself and treat yourself right.
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Ever one of those is so very true! To have good friends is to be a good friend!
Have a great day.
Great list!
You are so right about ALL of those!
Happy Thursday!
Mine are up!
There is nothing so precious as a true friend. Great TT! I played too. Stacie
hey there, just have a few minutes to be on!! I am still at the ranch, I blogged if you want to know what is up!
love you miss you
Great list. It makes me want to be a better friend!
great list, i liked reading it
What a great inspiring list! Thank you for sharing.
Finally…I think I will be starting a new blog (haha addicted…) titled the bloggers 12 step program!! No really, that was a great list. Very true, all of them. Thanks for stopping by…
Wonderful! I love this list! Great T13!
Thanks for sharing that list. I printed it out for my keep folder.
So true, thanks for sharing!
I think I will give that to my daughter. I just posted on “what makes a friend”? because I get so frustrated with all the drama that goes on with her and her so-called friends.
My dear friend – well said. Relationships take time and caring!
I will be more aware of myself with this list in mind. Good that you shared it.