and Happy Birthday to my now 4 year old, Liam! He was born on my 30th birthday – what a great present to open…
(the photo of me was taken in Hollywood in October 2005)
I thought I’d do an homage to myself and one for Li later on but I won’t sing my praises, my sis already did one, click here if you want to read it. I’ll just tell you a little bit about the birthday girl. I’d share pictures with you but they are still packed from our move 13 months ago…
I was born to my parents (oh that was vague wasn’t it…) in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on September 16th, 1972. That makes me 34 this year but who’s counting?!
I was the third daughter for my mom and firstborn for my dad (he adopted my 2 older sisters from my mom’s first marriage and loved them as if they were his blood, he was actually happy just with them until oops… I happened then 21 months later my little sis Lala joined me).
I was named after a waterfall my parents visited shortly before I was born, Shannon Falls near Hope, BC (the highest falls in BC).
I had blonde hair and blue eyes for the first 5 years of my life, then my hair darkened to medium brown and my eyes changed to green. I have olive coloured skin that tans really well, I was dark brown every summer of my childhood.
My parents became Christians when I was around 4 and I remember one night at church going to the front to do the same with my teddy bear in hand, I was 5.
I lived in North Van for the first 12 years of my life then we moved to a farm in south Surrey the summer before I turned 13. We had 10 acres and 3 horses and lots of dogs and cats over the years on the farm, it was a cool place to grow up. My parents sold it to a developer after high school and they moved to a house on the beach while I entered University and moved out on my own. I managed that for a couple of years before moving back home in White Rock, BC.
I met my hubby at the end of the summer of 1995 and married him in spring of 1996. After our honeymoon in Hawaii we moved all of my earthly possessions to my new home in Ontario.
That’s my life in a nutshell! Plus I have writer’s block… and I’m still really tired from my trip last week (we got in around 10pm last night) and ’cause I got up really early this morning to register my oldest in floor hockey at my community centre. Oh what we do for our children!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. My hubby’s taking me out to dinner and a movie and he even arranged the babysitter!!!! My father-in-law and his new “lady-friend” (that’s a whole other blog!) are watching the oldest 3 while my sis-in-law, from the next town over, watches the little one. It’s cool to have great family around ya, eh?!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE SHASH!!!!!!…I remember the first time I met you, and since we have had many great memories, including our most recent trip to NYC. I’ll never forget our trip, thanks for coming!!!
Happy Birthday Shash…I am so glad that I met you…and I read Lala’s blog and now understand why Li is the way he is (he would totally do the gum thing, I think!!)
Happy Birthday Shash!
Happy Birthday my sister!!!
Happy Birthday Lili!! little character!!! good thing your mom has a blog to record all your crazy adventures!!!
love to you both!
oh and Shannon Falls is on the way to Squamish/Whistler not Hope…Bridal Falls is the one on the way to Hope hehehe…always got to correct my big sis when I can!!
and I can’t wait to read about your FIL lady friend!!!!
Happy Birthday Shash!!!!!!!!and LiLi.
Now I know why there is no gum under the chairs at NSC. You are the best princess I know(Other than Diana)
Happy birthday! Do you miss the west coast? I still have family living in North Van and we visit frequently. (I love living in the US though.)
Shannon Falls, eh? Pretty name… I think your sister is right. Doesn’t matter, it’s still a pretty name. *-)
Happy Birthday Shashi!!! I love you.
And as I said to Lala…may you and her grow to be two little old ladies, looking after each other in a double wide..or beach front condo…teaching the intricacies of life and love to your grand daughters and great grand daughters.
Oh, and…Shannon Falls is near Squamish…your parents took Lori, me, Tam and Kim there when your mom was pregnant and they discussed your name in the car ride home. Cool huh?
Happy Birthday Shash! Thanks for calling this morning I needed that distraction totally… I will fill you in on the rest of my day tomorrow, but it was fun.
I am so Happy that Dave took you out… you deserve it!
Happy Birthday Girl and lili
hope the date was awesome and hope that you and Dave had a great time together.
You deserve to celebrate too!!!
Happy Birthday! sorry I missed this when it happened but I’ve been really behind on my blog-reading! Hope you had a good one.