It seems like we were gone forever and hardly much time all at the same time! Does that sound weird?

We’re back at home and trying to adjust to this time zone. We were lying in bed last night and the last time we checked and said, “Are you awake? I’m awake.” was around 3am. Which would have been 9pm Hawaii time. We had to get up at 7am our time to get ready for church – I feel like a slug today. We gave out shell lei’s to everyone in service today, we have a few more for those who were crazy enough to go camping this weekend!! (you know who you are!!) After the service we showed our photos on the big screen while everyone was having coffee and mingling. We had to drive Waawee to the airport at 12:30pm; we got her there with plenty of time to spare. The kids enjoyed their time with her so much – it was an incredible blessing!

Jake was a little leery of us this morning. I picked him up out of his bed and he wanted Auntie Waawee. Which is fine, I understood. It didn’t take him long to warm up and come to me and then stick to me like glue. Li Li has been attached to me as well. He tells me that next time I go to Hawaii – he’s coming too.

I can’t believe I have to go to work tomorrow. I’ve been dreading this day for the past week or so… I hope it doesn’t last long.

Never a dull moment here in this household!! 😉
p.s. Can anyone help me with my template – I have no clue what’s happened with my graphics and why it keeps telling me that images have been removed. I’ve re-set it once already…


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. Hey Shash!! Yay, I am so glad you guys made it back ok!! We missed you this morning, we got a bit wet, but it was fun. The template thing probably has something to do with where Kristina (who designed it) uploads her pictures and one may have been removed from that site…email her about it, or change your template. I guess we will see you online before Sunday…

  2. go into the code and check the width of the main column, I think it says 490px. change it to 500 and see how it works out.

  3. hey your hubby is right don’t stress about all that and we are here to help always not to worry

  4. My view is right, no stressing. You guys alwas deal well with whatever comes your way. you will have a finished basement appartment.
    And if that doesn’t work out we may have 2 rooms free my than, possible a third Big T. can have eight now. I’m sure we can handle 10. It reminds of old times.

  5. I always like getting back home, but usually am not as ready to get back into the swing of things after vacation. We went on a vacation without our kids when they were 4 and 1 and Emily (4 at the time) punished me when we got home. I think it was several days before she would even give me a hug or kiss…broke my heart, but I understood.

    Hope y’all get used to the time again soon!

    As far as your template I have no idea…I’m very much computer illiterate!!

  6. hey you. got your phone call! glad to hear you guys had a great time on the cruise…earthquake and all!!

    I will call you later so we can get all caught up!love ya

  7. I’m so glad you are back! I was missing you in blogland. I’m glad your trip was good.

    Your blog looks okay to me, but if you need help anytime, I made my own blog templates so I am familiar with the coding.

    Hope you are getting some rest!

  8. Welcome back!!! Sounds like your trip went well. Do you ever look very tanned in the one pic from your flicker…so jealous of the tan…lol..can’t wait to see more pics.

  9. Welcome home! I’m intrigued to learn about your “dating Dad.” How lovely that he has a special lady–at 74! Sorry, I can’t help you with your template… it does look a little amiss to me.

    BTW, October is clergy appreciation month. Many hugs and blessings to you and your husband! :~)

  10. Traveling is fun and relaxing (for the most part) but that jetlag is the worst. I hope you get back on track soon! And WELCOME HOME!

    If you don’t get your template figured out, you can copy and paste it into a notepad doc and send it to me as an attachment (this would be preferable). If you’re not sure how to do that then just paste it all into an email message and send it to me (email link on my blog) and I can look at it for you.

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