Well it’s official! It was “Snip Snip” day in our house. My hubby had his appointment at noon. I couldn’t get the day off of work and it was a PD day on top of it all. My cousin took the nervous hubby to the doctor’s office and the kids went to the Redhead’s Zoo.
A little while after my hubby’s procedure started I got a message from Mrs Redhead, her father-in-law had a heart attack. She said she was fine with all the kids but I could hear it in her voice – she needed to be rescued. I quickly called up another friend to get her kids and my kids; I didn’t think I’d be able to leave work right away. I’ve been having run-ins with my direct supervisor…. but that’s a whole other post. Needless to say I didn’t stay long at work, I left soon after the kids were picked up and went over to Mrs Redhead’s house. I picked her up and we went over to her hubby’s work. An hour after her f-i-l’s heart attack and she still couldn’t get in touch with her man.
They left for the hospital and I left for my other friend’s Zoo to pick up Mrs Redhead’s kids and my kids. I stayed around chatting for a while but got home with all the crew just as the flooring man was pulling in to see our space for a quote. I handed him a diaper bag and a backpack and said, “You’re just in time and it’s a little crazy but come on in.” He looked a little stunned. 6 kids running around and a man with a bag of frozen peas reclining on the lazy boy… Makes you smile just thinking about it, doesn’t it?!
Mr Redhead’s dad is resting at the hospital tonight. They managed to unclog his artery just in time. The doctors said that if they hadn’t come in when they did, even waited an extra hour the outcome wouldn’t have been good. I’d expect that he’ll be there for observation for a few days. If you want to leave a message on their family blog please visit them at http://www.max-redheads.blogspot.com/ .
So it has been quite the day and the weekend of busy has just begun. It looks like I have to take Jake with me to the ladies breakfast in the morning, I don’t think my hubby will be off that lazy boy any time soon. Although he did promise me a trip to Ikea for tomorrow afternoon…
Glad your friend’s FIL is doing better! Heart problems run in my hubby’s family, so I’m always freaked out by heart attacks!
My hubby got the snip snip a few years ago…I was soooo happy!!! Make him rest though…no trips to Ikea for him! My hubby didn’t take it easy long enough and had some adverse effects that were not too much fun! Frozen peas are a good thing though!
Ha, a snip-snip and a trip to IKEA…aren’t you lucky?! We are praying for Redheads f-i-l.
hehehe make sure he ices it well…J got a blood clot cuz he didn’t listen to procedure…and remember DO NOT have unprotected woowoo until he gets his blank tested to make sure there are no swimmers left!!