2 more sleeps!!
We are busy wrapping presents tonight and trying to get a grip on this thing called a house. When the kids shared in the service last week about the different traditions – cleaning the house from top to bottom, lots of new furniture & linens – really stood out to me. My house needs that top to bottom clean!
We have dozens of people arriving in no time at all! My sister-in-law from up north and her family are coming down for Christmas dinner and crashing overnight. My father-in-law’s lady friend is also spending the holidays here. My brother-in-law and his family are also joining us for dinner, they live close by so I don’t have to worry about a place for them to sleep. Then on Boxing Day (Dec. 26th) my parents fly in (at 10pm) from BC and stay with us until January 2nd, another quicky visit for them. Thankfully our international student went back to China for 3 weeks so we have an extra room and our boarder is in the “Big City” until the 27th, so there’s another room free.
I managed to go out shopping with my friend, the Redhead, on Thursday night after I visited my other friend in the hospital. We shopped until 1am – I was so tired when we left, I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t believe how busy the place was too, crazy busy with really strange people at that time of the night… I went out again last night until almost 11pm with another friend. We then came back to my place and watched, “The Devil Wears Prada”, which I bought for myself – I’ll re-wrap it and put it my stocking… I love that movie, I’ve seen it 3 times now. I LOVE her outfits, I would wear Channel every day if I could!! Deep down… I’m a clothes horse – if I only had the bank account to match…
I’m glad I’m done shopping although my hubby’s stocking is a little lighter than usual this year. I forgot A LOT of his items… We don’t go crazy at Christmas time, I don’t think we’ve ever spent over $100 on the kids — even when we had less children. This year we aimed for $50 plus their stocking which always includes the usual; socks/underwear, toothbrush and chocolate. A new thing this year is the kids drew names and they bought each other a unique Christmas ornament, this is the gift we will open tomorrow night. I want to keep this going in the years to come – when that day comes that it is time for them to leave the nest, they will take their ornaments with them.
I still can’t believe it’s Christmas time – I promise to be more prepared next year… Someone hold me accountable will ya?!
Hey I still have plenty to wrap wnat to help. Gotta call dad hopefully he picked up the item from ziggys. If not I’m in trouble. I wish my kids were small again I use to be able toget away with that amount of $. My kids would get a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I cannot wait o see the movie. cannot tell you if I got one of my children it or not as she may read this before. Christmas day. HAHA. See you soon.
I will hold you accountable if you hold me accountable…I just got home from the store, thinking it would not be busy…whatever!! I want to be done by the second week of December at the latest next year:-)
Merry Christmas Shash! May His presence be the best present of all.
Merry Christmas from Prince George
where the moose and the wolf do roam. . . where seldom is heard a . . .
We R just going to sit down and chow down on that Great Christmas Type Fooood… . . . yummmmmmm
hey don’t complain that you get mom and dad for a week! I only get them for 2 full days and a couple half ones…not even……so…..just saying
tried calling you but you were sleeping….forgot to call again…will try again tomorrow.
love ya mmmmwhhhaaa big kisses