Prophetic word of the Lord for 2010: (found on
“You have journeyed through the wilderness heat of the valley of the shadow of death. But in 2010 you are coming to the oasis of living water where deep, clear springs will bubble up out of the depth of My Kingdom reservoirs. Therefore, come dig in and drink in My eternal life and strength. As you drink to your full, darkness will leave, and My glorious power and the healing presence of My Kingdom will come to manifest through your life. Use your faith shovel for digging the wells of wisdom in the ancient patterns of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
“Refuse the enemy’s voice of discouragement, who attempts to keep you from fulfilling your destiny. You are called and chosen to demonstrate the light of God’s Kingdom in this hour. You live in the generation where darkness is attempting to abound, but God’s grace and truth will abound much more. I have empowered you to do the impossible, because with Me all things are possible. Only believe!“
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26
The same thing has been on my heart. Awesome word!
I have been reading a good book and for me this word is timely as I`m in a major deep healing time with Jesus Danna
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it