To be honest… I’m not a fan of Word Verification that bloggers have on their comment section. It makes it difficult to leave comments, there are already so many loops to go through in order to leave that comment in the first place. Especially on blog hop days or when I’m trying to win a contest or something like that, those Word Verification thingys just slow the whole thing down.
I can see where it is needed if you get a ton of spam! Who enjoys opening their email inbox and seeing hundreds of Japanese comments/spam??? Not me!! In fact…. I’ve been deleting them one by one as they come up. It was manageable. It’s no longer manageable. It used to be every few posts but now it is every post and prior posts, posts older than 14 days. Every single day, multiple times a day.
I am going to turn on the comment, verify that you are human, option on my blog posts.
Sorry to those who HATE these things and REFUSE to leave comments when they see them. I know you’re out there… don’t deny it! ** Blog authors should be able to post without seeing the Word Verification step ** I’ll have it on for a while and then take it off again to see if that puts a stop to the ridiculousness that it has become.
It IS a pain, but I have them too. Spammers have made it next to impossible not to. I haven't got time to go through and delete all the spam, and I don't want to have to "moderate" comments, either, because whether or not it's true, it smacks of censorship. You're right: BLECH!
I do not mind it at all. It's just the "price of doing business" these days. And quite honestly, I was surprised that you hadn't had it until now. And if it saves you some time and aggravation, well that's all to the good.
Have a great day!
I don't mind them except when the verification isn't working..{ like yours isn't right } so I try 3 or 4 times to leave the comment but the visual verification isn't showing up…BUT I DO understand why…cause spam is STUPID!
I hate it too, but I understand why you need to use it. Hopefully it will stop the spamming!
I agree, it has become a necessary evil these days because unfortunately, not all spam is harmless. I hope I don't deter too many people from commenting on my blog, though, because I love comments! I live for comments!
I love your blog design – very cute!
Sofia's Ideas
I don't like them either! Put I don't let them stop me from leaving a comment. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving pregnancy well wishes. Following you back!
Yeah I hate them too but its certainly necessary sadly! Following back on GFC through MBC
Thanks for following my blog! I am following yours also. You have a great blog!
I don't like the word verification either. I have to double check if I still use it on mine…Spammers are a problem though, I get so many with Chinese signs (most likely not human), I have now decided to moderate comments because of it..
i'll just be happy when the day comes that I get enough traffic on my blog to get Japanese emails.
lol. Your blog is so lovely… very pretty