This morning my hubby and I woke up to a note of sorts… I don’t want to call it a threat but… OK, that’s what it was. The Tooth Fairy received a threat at 8:35am on October 2nd, 2010!!
Apparently, the Tooth Fairy has been negligent in retrieving a particular child’s freshly discarded teeth, which has resulted in no money being left under said child’s pillow.
“Dear so called toothfairy you haven’t been taking my teeth. I have 3 molers that you haven’t took yet you should do so tonight!!!”
My daughter is 10 and has a flare for the dramatics… I do not know, by all means, where she would get that from?! I’m surprised she didn’t spell out her demands!!
The tooth fairy better not forget tonight is all I can say!
Now that I think of it… the Tooth Fairy left her a $7 Starbuck’s gift card last time… how quickly they forget!
UPDATE: an apology note has turned up….
Maybe leave her a bill for your cleaning services or something! How much does molars pay anyway?? I might have a few to leave under my pillow!!
lmfao that's awesome
double teeth = double money
The tooth fairy often forgets to visit our place too, she's slack like that.
How funny. I love "you should do so".
So — did the Tooth Fairy remember to "do so" after all?
Oh.My.Goodness. We could have the same kid! We are horrible tooth fairies as well
Hola, No estб seguro de que esto es verdad:), pero gracias a un cargo.