I’ve touched on this a couple times within the Facebook ‘Bliss at Home’ Community Page that’s growing like wildfire but if you haven’t already joined the group, which everyone is free to do, here’s what I know works at:

  1. Improving Your Blog 
  2. Increasing Your Following / Traffic

Thanks to one my colleagues for taking this from bullet form to full post!

Most bloggers know that the more often they post, the better. And that posting good “content” should help their blog become more successful, or widely read. We’ve all heard the expression, “Content is King”, but what does that really mean? 

What makes certain content stand out from the rest?  

What makes it rank higher in search than other articles on the same topic?

The solution is fairly simple, but pulling it off requires a little work: good content is the result of good writing. Truth is, most of us spend too much time on site design and not enough on writing well. Site design is important, but no one attracts new readership because of appearance alone. Links come from people who want to read your blog and share it with others. They won’t link to you if they don’t like what you have to say. It’s just that simple.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to keep in mind when developing new posts for your site:

Spend time writing good titles:

  • Make them simple but descriptive. Titles should be as specific as possible and explain what the post will be about.
  • Answer a need – tell your readers why they need to read your article.
  • But… be sure the post lives up to the title. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver with a boring article.

Make your posts scannable:

  • Don’t assume your audience has the time to read a long, wordy article.
  • If you have a lot to say, use lists, bullet points, bold copy, photos, charts, quotes and links to other sites to help your readers get your point quickly.

Know your readers and write for them:

  • Write like you’re having a friendly conversation with your audience. Don’t lecture or talk down to them and avoid long, wordy sentences. At the same time, don’t believe anyone who says proper spelling and grammar don’t matter – they DO!
  • Appeal to their interests, need for more information and emotional triggers (humour etc.). Give them what they want and they’ll keep coming back.
  • Write useful, unique copy that educates, informs, inspires, ignites conversations or entertains and you’ll have readers hanging on your every word.

Drive traffic:

  • Consider having another blogger guest post on your site to expose your blog and theirs to new readership (and give you a break from posting!).
  • Use keywords in headlines, titles and copy that you want to be searched under.
  • Name (“tag”) your images in all posts and they’ll be searchable too.

    ~ Janet has a degree in History and Public Relations and has worked in Insurance Marketing as Manager of Marketing Services. She currently works with me at WhiteCloud Marketing.


    I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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    1. Oh, guest posting…what a great idea!!

    2. Thanks for the helpful info. I am big into using correct grammar and spelling…a huge issue for me when reading blog posts by others.

      I never thought about tagging images so they are searchable. Thanks for that!



    3. Very helpful! I have to admit, when I first starting blogging…my first goal wasn't to write something intelligent but to design my site 🙂

    4. Love it Shash! Very helpful. I'm with Jenn…I love designing and adding to my site. I struggle with posting daily even though I KNOW it helps. I guess I wonder if I ever have enough interesting things to say. But thanks for helping put things in perspective:)

      Oh, and Jenn…I LOVE your design!

    5. Hi Shannon!

      I tagged you in a "7 things about me" type of tag. You can see my answers (and other people I've tagged) here: http://www.spiffykerms.com/2011/01/7-things-about-me/

      YAYAYA!! Hope you can do it 🙂

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