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Papa with my Emma |
It seems so hard to believe! I can still remember telling people he was turning 36 and I thought that was SOOOO old!
I love my dad very much. He has been an incredible father and considering he did not have dad from the time he was 2 (his father died) to the time he was 13 (his mom remarried), he has done an amazing job!
My dad was born and raised just outside Edmonton, Alberta. His father passed away due to complications from scarlet fever in 1948, my dad was only two and his older brother was six.
My grandma was the MOST amazing lady ever! At not even 5 feet tall, this little Ukrainian loved on, served and gave to all people. She literally had to pray their groceries in but would make donuts for the neighborhood. My dad says the kids would smell them cooking and line up on the sidewalk.
They lived in a teeny tiny house, when I was little Dad took us to see it, it’s been replaced with a bigger house now. It had an outhouse, a wood-stove to heat the house and water, a hand pump in the kitchen to draw in water. When they wanted a bath, they had to boil the water and then he and his brother would share the water. They lived in circumstances below today’s standard of poor and yet she never complained once. She just loved God and people and served.
My step-grandpa was an amazing man! He’d hug you until you’d turn blue, for a short little Polish man, he had quite the grip!! My dad was a teen when his mom remarried, Grandpa and Grandma decided not to have any children of their own, grandpa loved his new boys from the start. He was a deeply devoted man, to God and to his family. He was a hard worker and a generous man. My dad is a lot like his step-father. For what this man imparted into my dad’s life from his teenage years on… he did one heck of a job!
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Shash, Grandpa, La La, Grandma |
My Dad was a BUSY little boy… I’m sure if they diagnosed kids with ADD or ADHD back in the day, he would have been a prime candidate based on the stories he’s told us. He was a bit of a trouble maker and a well known “tough” kid in the school. Not many were willing to take him on. He was a great hockey player… cuz he is Canadian EH! Weeks upon weeks of playing outdoor pond hockey then thru the Edmonton leagues where he was scouted for the NHL (Montreal) but he turned it down to pursue a career in Architecture. He pulled his grades up, said goodbye to the ladies… isn’t that right “Mr. Wolf”? and made his way thru Tech to become a Design Consultant.
In my sister’s tribute to our dad, she describes him as “worker”! This man who came from nothing, literally, made his way thru school and worked and worked and worked. He proved himself and started his very own design company after he married my mom in 1971. In his prime, he was named in the top 10 designers in all of Canada.
Through many ups and downs, dips and rises in the economy, he is where he is today in the business world due to hard work, and his faith in God and his understanding of God’s Word and God’s promises.
He met my mom when he was only 25 and fell in love instantly… they MARRIED 8 WEEKS LATER!! Dad adopted my mom’s two little girls who were 7 & 8 years old. He loved them as if they were his own. It’s safe to say that from the day he married my mom he became their father in the truest sense.
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The Jacobson’s – 1981 |
He didn’t even care if they had more kids, he was content with his new little family. Being the worker that he is, my dad was gone a lot, putting 150% of himself into his business to be a good provider for his ever growing family. Our house had an open door policy – anyone and everyone was welcome. At one point there was my mom and dad, us 4 girls, 2 cousins, 1 boy – living with us so he could go to the private school we were going to, and 1 foster sister all living in a house with ONE bathroom!!
Even though he was gone a lot, long hours at the office, he made the time he was at home count. He took us for picnics, took us to the park, took us camping, played with us in the snow. He made the BEST forts ever! He gave us quality time with what precious time he had, and yes, that’s with us going to church twice on Sundays! He made us a priority when we were home. I am sure he was exhausted most of the time and only as adults did we know the extent of the extreme pressures and stresses he was under and as small kids we were entirely unaware…. that is a total gift!
If I had one word to describe him… it would be “devoted”.
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it’s hard to find a photo of him, he’s usually the one taking the pictures! |
Here’s some more of his great characteristics…
- He is a giver. He has given much of his little time to others and ministries around the world. He supports countless missionaries and help relief projects. He gave even when he had nothing to give.
- He is selfless.
- He is kind.
- He is always thinking, planning, dreaming. He’s often misunderstood as his brain is constantly going at 150 miles per hour and juggling more thoughts then most of us could handle. His face sometimes expresses something entirely different than what he is thinking about and it’s not necessarily what you are talking to him about.
- He has a HUGE sweet tooth and a LOVE for ice cream and goodies! My mom was a health nut… who do you think supplied us with our treat money!!
- He is generous…… not just financially but of his time and energy to help us girls and others.
- He loves. He simply loves. He loves his girls. He loves our mom. He loves his grandbabies. He loves his great-grandbabies. He loves so many. He loves.
and I love my dad!
Happy Birthday Dad!
If you have time… check out the other posts I’ve written about him on this blog, use the search term “Daddio”. Like this one from Father’s Day 2010
My dad went to be with Jesus on February 17, 2016 after an 8 month battle with Mesothelioma. I am forever grateful that I wrote this tribute to him 5 years ago and that he got to read it. Today he would be 70. Happy Birthday Dad, I hope the Angels are singing to you.
great post Shash
Happy Birthday!!
-Terin @ http://terinaleah27.blogspot.com/
ah, such a sweet post for your daddy! Say happy birthday!
This is awesome! Happy Birthday and love from London!
I'll make sure to tell him. One day I'll come to visit, London is on my bucket list. xxoo