I first met Hollie, in real life, across the table from me at the She’s Connected Conference which was held in Toronto last year. This particular conference was so packed with speakers that we really only got to know the bloggers at our tables, so I’m glad she was sitting at mine!
Hollie was my life-saver when I took the GO-Train into the heart of Downtown Toronto for the first time this past April!
I write from the perspective of a Muslim mother.
I am also a solo parent raising a special needs child. I blog, tweet, and look for great deals and great brands that can help me spend less. I do review products and websites that my readers would find useful.
As a Muslim woman I am about avoiding interest at all costs, avoiding debt as much possible, making sure I am giving to others, and still finding ways to survive in this world.
I have known the riches of wealth and the lows of poverty. I have been homeless with a newborn in tow, made due with welfare, and clawed my way off the system. At one time I was married and owned 5 homes and even a ranch. I know first had what it means to begin again with nothing. I have survived divorce, fire and a natural disaster and know what each can do to a person and their pocket book…
Thank you Hollie for our wonderful conversations about life, family, work and God. For those reading these Feature Friday posts and learning all about some incredible Canadian Bloggers, please spend some time getting to know her. I know you’ll enjoy reading her blog, Common Cents Mom. Hollie is an incredible encourager, mom and friend!
Coffee drinker? I am not a coffee drinker except for a good iced capp in the summer. I love my Moroccan tea, want the recipe? YES PLEASE!!
1. What drew you to blogging? I have been blogging for 8 years now, what first drew me too it was that it was a great way to share what was going on with friends and family far away and it has changed as I have grown and learned along the way.
2. How do you characterize yourself? I am a frugal, Muslim mom, I love to laugh and smile and enjoy what Allah has blessed me with.
3. What did you want to be when you were little? I wanted to teach and did for several years.
4. Are you married? Kids? I am a single mom with one beautiful 13 yr old daughter.
5. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To fly… think of the places I could go.
6. Favourites:
- Food – Thai
- Colour – Purple
- Movie – Slumdog Millionaire
- Book – too many too list
- TV show – The Deen Show
- Blog – American Muslim Mom
7. What is your most embarrassing moment? Fainting on stage while singing on National Radio. Can you hear the thud on the air that was me.
8. What’s your pet peeve? Men who are late for dates and they don’t call.
9. What is your favourite quote? Just Do It!
10. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received? That I am an amazing mother
11. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now? Nasheeds (Islamic Music- Native Deen)
12. What is the meaning behind your blog name? I like to take a common sense approach to money and life.
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Mecca
14. What’s your favourite Canadian city? Toronto, where I was born and live.
Thank you once again Hollie!
thanks so much for featuring ME!
Hollie is such a nice woman! So happy to have met her at the CBCKids Tweet-Up!!

Nice to meet you Hollie! You have an amazing story! Thanks for featuring her, Shash.
~ Raylene @ It's OK to be WEIRD!