Hopefully he wasn't in any pain after the drugs wore off. Just wait until he gets his wisdom teeth out someday, if needed. Then he'll really have chipmunk cheeks!
Hi! I am a new follower of yours (GFC,Twitter&FB) and linking up! Your little man is adorable with those chubby cheeks! I would love for you to stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi!
Awe – hope you had the Popsicles ready!!
He looks cute with his chippie cheeks! hope he had NO pain. ~Faythe @ GMT
hahaha, it's so WEIRD how it looks and feels when we're frozen like that.
LOL that is soooo funny!!
Hopefully he wasn't in any pain after the drugs wore off. Just wait until he gets his wisdom teeth out someday, if needed. Then he'll really have chipmunk cheeks!
tee hee hee Numbed mouths are so great! Worst part when they're so young is keeping them from biting their tongues, lips or cheeks!
aww! atleast he is trying to smile through the pain
Oh, poor thing. Hope it wasn't too bad…
Awe… poor baby! Hope it doesn't hurt too bad!!
Poor thing.
I feel bad that I am going to say, ah so cute…because he's probably in some pain! hope it wasn't too bad.
LOL….I am sure it hurts though! Poor little guy!
Ouchies! Hope he is better by now! I think my 4 year old has a small cavity in her molar and I'm terrified of taking her in!
Hi! I am a new follower of yours (GFC,Twitter&FB) and linking up! Your little man is adorable with those chubby cheeks! I would love for you to stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi!
awww. poor little guy! those are indeed some chippy cheeks!!
Hope he's feeling all better today!
(psst..my wordless wednesday is an actual chippy this week! lol!)
Poor fellow…
New follower from Wordless Wednesday.
Hope you follow back.