Uncategorized Wordless Wednesday ~ Snuggles {w/linky} by ShashUpdated on August 29, 2015August 10, 20119 Comments on Wordless Wednesday ~ Snuggles {w/linky} Camping with snuggles makes camping sooooo much better! 🙂 This is one of my Great-Nephews. Just call me GAS {Great Aunt Shashi} Join the Wordless Wednesday hop-along. Link up, leave some comment luv if you’d like and get hopping! Share this... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest
Updated on August 29, 2015December 18, 2013Christmas Stockings are Stuffed!! Thanks to all who helped make this happen!
This photo makes me melt. it is SO cute!!
aw, so sweet. How old is this kiddo? I'm guessing, from the size, about 9 months old?
so sweet- love those babies you get to snuggle and then hand back to mom & dad !! 🙂
Great pic. I guess I am GUS (great uncle steve)
I love how your eyes are closed. Beautiful moment captured.
Nothing like a snuggle to make everything feel great. Hope that you have a good week!
Priceless. You both look so content!
Adorable! Baby snuggles are the very best!
Ah! I can't wait to do that again with baby number 2. My toddler isn't much into the snuggles lately.
Heather From and Mommy Only Has 2 Hands!