Why is it that during a social media conference / networking event I look and feel like this…
but by the time I get home… I look and feel like this?!
I have 11 days to recover until Blissdom Canada comes to town! 
Does anyone else suffer from the social butterfly high letdown?
oh I feel the same way!!
I sure do
I am exhausted
I always feel and look that way too, especially when you help organize the conference. Mentally exhausting!
Looking forward to Blissdom in 11 days!
Oh totally! I woke up Saturday morning with a cold. Felt like HELL…then cleaned the house (?what was I thinking?!). We went to Toopy & Binoo Live today…do you think my toddler will be upset if we stay in ALL week??
absolutely! whatever conference/event/get together.. it's always the same thing
can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!
Lol!!! I am so feeling like that……
I am feeling like that also! Today I did not want to do anything.. and really don't want to go back to work tomorrow, but I look forward to Blissdom!
yes, I feel like I haven't slept in a week, need the full 11 days to recover!
Ah, yes…and NO.
Yes…letdown..the mess to clean.
DID not miss the jealousy and pettiness and competition.
Not one bit.
I was so excited to get back home and then thought WHY? Kids fighting, house a mess, piles of laundry….
i. totally. know. what . you mean!!
I love the photos – what's with all the paper on the wall ?
New type of wallpaper maybe?
the pictures on my wall are a gift from my youngest child.
We have been in renovations for 6 years and I've never had pictures or photos or art on my bedroom walls. Just plain.
The baby of my family thought that was a tragedy and so while I was in a meeting one day, he decorated my wall. Do you like the painter's tape!
That's the story behind my wall art.
I thought that just happened to me.
I'm a manic social butterfly then I go home and feel depressed…