The minute I say, who wants to help me make something in the kitchen, Jake comes running. He is my little chef! For his fourth birthday, he was pleased as punch when someone gave him a cake mix as a present. I have to keep a close eye on him though, he is more apt to apologize for starting something on his own than asking me if he can do it in the first place!
This Kraft Canada recipe combines the best of both worlds, Oreos and Chocolate!! How could you go wrong?! Only three ingredients are needed and I bet you have them in your house already. Oreos, cream cheese and chocolate.
Easy OREO Truffles:
What you need…
1 pkg. (350 g) Oreo Cookies, finely crushed, divided
1 pkg. (250 g) Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese, softened
2 pkg. (8 squares each) Baker’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate
Make it…
REMOVE 1 Tbsp. cookie crumbs; set aside. Mix cream cheese and remaining cookie crumbs until well blended. Shape into 42 (1-inch) balls. Refrigerate 30 min.
MELT chocolate squares as directed on package {I personally use the double boiler method, less chance of burning the chocolate}. Dip balls in chocolate; place in single layer on parchment or waxed paper-covered baking sheet. Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs.
REFRIGERATE 1 hour or until firm.
HOW TO EASILY DIP TRUFFLES To easily coat truffles with melted chocolate, add truffles, in batches, to bowl of melted chocolate. Then, use 2 forks to roll truffles in chocolate until evenly coated. Remove truffles with forks and allow excess chocolate to drip back into bowl before placing truffles in prepared pan.
SPECIAL EXTRA Sprinkle truffles with coloured sugar or sprinkles in addition to, or instead of, the cookie crumbs.
It’s so easy a six year old can make it! Don’t worry, I was in charge of anything hot.
This hits the midnight chocolate craving spot…
Mmmm..Yummy Great Job Jake!
Oh delicious! How cute is your little baker buddy!
yummers! do you use a blender to finely crush oreos or just pound the heck out of them?
We pounded the crap out of them!!
With a potato masher no less. A blender would have been quicker and probably left better, finer pieces.
serious!! your kiddo can cook! LOVE it!
and this recipe sounds so easy and DELISH!!!
Oh Shash, this looks delicious. Sadly I have neither of the ingredients. Or should I say none. I suck but, this looks delicious and I bet they were creamy and divine. Thanks for sharing, I will definitely refer back to this when my DD & I want to make a treat!
I've been making these for years now and they are fabulous every time! I don't know if you saw that you can also do the same thing, but with Nutter Butters and white chocolate (or milk if you prefer). They taste really good too, although my favorite is still the oreo.
They look delicious, anything oreo would be popular with my four munchkins.