I know it’s not quite Father’s Day but it’ll be here before we know it and as it was my dad’s birthday yesterday, I thought it’d be a great time to talk about all things DAD!

That’s me all papoosed on my daddy’s back. I’m his first biological child but #3 in the order of girls he loved and raised. I remember going everywhere with him. I wanted to be just like him, well… the girl version. 🙂

When I was little, I wanted to be an interior designer because he is an amazing designer, architect, builder, photographer and artist. I collected paint samples and coloured on blueprints. I would visit the bathrooms in restaurants and give him my thumbs up or down. He’s still the first person I call when I need help deciding on the look of a room (it’s easier for me to decorate someone elses space than my own). He taught me to ride my bike and drive my car. He took us camping, to the water slides and tobogganing too. He exampled before me how to live a generous lifestyle and to trust God with everything you have.
Last year I featured my dad in a guest post and here’s his 65th birthday post.
All I’ve wanted to do is make him proud.
When I was 23 years old I got married and moved far – far away.
That’s when this dad came into my life…

This is one of the last pictures I have with my father-in-law and my kids, his health quickly declined after this. He passed away a few months later on August 17, 2011. 
Dad, as I called him from the first time I was introduced to him, was one of the most generous and kind men I ever had the privilege of knowing. When he smiled his eyes disappeared and his whole face lit up. He was an impressive carpenter, photographer, cook and father. He was a loyal friend who would do anything for anyone, especially for his kids and grand-kids. He loved loved – loved – loved his grandchildren. He lived with us for the last six years of his life. He loved being around my kids, watching them play, taking their pictures, babysitting them and my kids adored him. 
Just the other day, we were at a park when my youngest (Jake – 6) remembered that Grandpa used to take him there to feed the geese. It made me cry. My kids don’t get to see my dad very often (4 days since Christmas 2010) – so now that Dave’s dad is gone, they don’t have a grandpa in their day-to-day lives. To me, that’s an important role model that is missing.
I am truly grateful that such an amazing and kind man raised this man…

I knew Dave would be an incredible dad even before we had children. You could see he valued family. Since he’s the baby of the family, #5 among 4 other fabulous siblings, he’s the uncle to 10 kids, I got to see him in action before I even said, “Yes!”
Our first child arrived almost 2.5 years after we were married. I remember waking up to him leaning over the baby bassinet. He looked over at me, smiled and said, “He’s just so amazing.” 
He is a hands-on dad. I’m pretty sure he changed just about as many diapers as I did and took as many naps as me. 🙂 He makes the majority of the kid’s lunches and gets them out the door (he’s the morning person in our family). He’s attended almost all of their school plays and volunteers for field trips at least once a year, for each of them and we have four kids!

He does the grocery shopping, some of the cooking and makes better coffee than I do (he doesn’t even drink the stuff, it’s just for me).

He brags on his children and their many accomplishments, big or little.
Days later, he’s still talking about Liam’s game-winning soccer
goal. He takes them camping and canoeing – teaching them about the great outdoors he loves so much. As he’s saying good-night prayers with them, he asks, “Who do you belong to?” and with great enthusiasm they always respond, “You!”

I’d say I’m blessed with all the amazing dads in my life, wouldn’t you?!

Happy early Father’s Day!!


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. that is an excellent tribute 🙂

  2. You should be writing a book or at least in a newspaper or magazine, I truly love your posts and no matter how busy or ill I always read them, they are inspiring and heart felt,thank you:)

  3. please stop by my blog tomorrow as I have an award for you!


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