I’m on my way out west in a bit, I’ll be touching down in my home province (after a bit of a layover in Calgary) this evening and I CANNOT WAIT!
Tomorrow one of my niece’s is getting married. I’ve been to other weddings of nieces and nephews, cousins and their kids, and I’ve been excited for each of them but his particular niece… she is the oldest daughter of my youngest sister and I watched her come into this world. She has felt like my own child at times.
My sister was a teen mom. She was in a relationship with a man who took advantage of her while she was recovering from Malaria (she’d just returned from building huts in Kenya) and didn’t listen or stop when she said NO…
Being her big sister, I was and am still, very protective of her. I’d do anything for her. I remember being at University, carrying around my brick cell phone (with an extra battery pack) for when she would call that she was in labour. When the day finally arrived, March 27, 1994, I drove like a bat out of hell from where I was living in Abbotsford to the hospital in White Rock. There was NO WAY I was going to miss being with her in that delivery room.
After teaching my sister to pant, “hee hee hooo – hee hee hooo” so she’d stop hyperventilating and stop kicking the doctor for hurting her… and almost 2.5 hours of solid pushing… Morgan twisted her way out of the birth canal, like a reverse auger, so quickly in fact that the doctor dropped her, banging her head on the table. Don’t worry, she’s fine. Babies bounce…
So anyway… this baby is getting married tomorrow and I’m really, really excited. Even though it’s making me feel really, really old all at the same time… I also can’t wait to see my whole family under one roof. Aren’t family weddings the best?! Well… they are in my family anyway.
OHHHHH! I’m also really, really excited to rub my little sister’s baby bump! YUPPERS my 40 year old sister is expecting… SURPRISE it’s gonna be a boy! I’m so thrilled for her and her new hubby (this is his first child).
Lots to be excited about this week!
Congratulations to the happy couple!! Have a wonderful weekend with family and all of that love!!
Congratulations to them! I was born in Ontario and lived there until I was 16 until I moved out to BC, so our situations are somewhat reversed. I grew up thinking Ontario was absolutely beautiful but coming out here and seen the majestic mountains changed all that. Enjoy your trip!