While soaking up the sun in Mexico this February, I made a life-changing decision. I left my job at Graf-Martin Communications after four fulfilling years—two of which I spent working remotely from my new home in BC. I didn’t have anything in the hopper, I jumped off that cliff, without a safety net in sight.

At GMC, I had the privilege of helping build a culture rooted in collaboration, creativity, and a commitment to making a difference. I learned invaluable lessons about leadership, authentic storytelling, and nurturing connections. I’ll miss the incredible team and our shared mission, but I felt a strong urge to find something local, deepen my roots, and of course, keep travelling.

Facing Unexpected Challenges

On May 5th, life threw us an unexpected curveball. While I was on a cruise in the Mediterranean, our family’s restaurant back home was set on fire in an act of arson, the second in less than a year. I decided to halt my Master’s in Leadership program so I could be fully available to help out. The time off proved valuable as I worked behind the scenes, being there for my family, and focusing on digital marketing and PR to get the restaurant back on its feet. We reopened last week, and I’m grateful to share that the arsonist has been charged and was in court for sentencing just a couple of weeks ago.

Adventures Across the Globe

Spring was busy!! It was full of adventures. Our youngest, Jacob, returned from a transformative gap year at Bodenseehof in Germany. Shortly after, Dave and I whisked our third child, Liam, off to Greece. Before dropping him off at the Kingfisher Project on Skopelos, we spent nearly two weeks exploring Turkey and Greece. The trip included a breathtaking 10-day cruise in the Adriatic Sea. Liam’s time at the project (on Momma Mia Island!) was enriching, as he delved into scripture and visited historical biblical sites like Thessaloniki, Corinth, and Philippi. (Both are Torchbearers International programs)

The Job Hunt Journey

While Liam was on his journey, I embarked on one of my own—a quest to find the right job. I interviewed and waited. I kept searching for the perfect fit. Then, during another trip to Mexico in July, I made a decision: stop stressing about the job hunt and enjoy the summer. The next day, I received an email from a place I never applied to, wanting to discuss my joining their team (more about it below).

Family Time and New Beginnings

This summer, Dave and I, along with Jacob and Liam, spent two wonderful weeks with our oldest son Quinton, his wife Laralee, and our two grandsons, Zion and Micah, in Ontario. The summer wrapped up with our daughter Emma and her husband Blake joining us for two weeks before heading back to their current life in Calgary. It was a full summer, just the way I wanted it.

But that’s not all. Dave retired from being retired last week. He’s now the Pastor of Seniors at the church we’ve attended for the past two years. Yes, I’m officially a Pastor’s Wife again! There are around 300 congregants 65+ who have waited for almost a year for someone to step into this role, I’m thrilled to see Dave bringing his wisdom and warmth to a community we’ve grown to love.

Stepping into My New Role

This week, I started my new role as Director of Development at the Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL) at Trinity Western University. My mission is clear: secure vital funds to empower students to pursue Bible translation and linguistic work. Our goal? To ensure they graduate with little to no debt—a crucial factor for agencies like Wycliffe, Pioneer Bible Translators, and SIL Global. When our donors give, they’re not just contributing; they’re partnering with us to equip future translators and literacy specialists who will transform underserved communities worldwide.

Looking Forward

It’s an exciting time, and I’m thrilled to see how the pieces are falling into place. It feels like our new book has finally started. This year has truly been one of “Open Doors”—my word for 2024. I can’t wait to see where the next chapter takes us.

Thank you for journeying with me.

I encourage you to embrace the unexpected, cherish the adventures, and walk through every open door that comes your way.


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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