What language do you dream in? Think about that for a moment—the language that resonates with your innermost feelings, the one that truly speaks to your soul. Now, consider this eye-opening fact: among the world’s 7,394 known living languages, only 756 have a complete Bible. According to Wycliffe Global Alliance, nearly 1,300 language groups, representing 99.8 million people, remain without any Scripture in their heart language.
When Words Change Lives
Let me share something extraordinary that happened in Nigeria last year. One of our Master of Arts in Translation of Scriptures (MATS) students was working on a national Bible translation project in a remote village. Local volunteers had stepped forward to help ensure their language was being captured accurately—a critical step in any translation work. Something remarkable occurred as these community members reviewed the translated Scripture in their heart language. What began as a technical review transformed into a profound spiritual journey. The words on the page came alive in their hearts, speaking directly to their souls. Soon, the entire village gathered to hear more, and their hunger for truth led to an unexpected blessing—they asked our student to help them establish their first church. No preaching. No elaborate strategy. Just the pure power of God’s Word in their heart language, igniting a flame of faith that spread throughout the community.
When people hear Scriptures like, “For God so loved the world…” in their heart language, Lives change, communities transform, and churches are born.
Beyond Words: A Family Legacy of Transformation
My family’s legacy of mission work spans continents. When my parents established the first Christian radio station behind the Iron Curtain, they understood something profound: language isn’t just about communication—it’s about transformation. We’ve been carrying this legacy forward for the last 40 years at the Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL).

Our graduates aren’t just linguists; they’re cultural architects. They:
- Develop writing systems for unwritten languages
- Create literacy programs in remote communities
- Preserve endangered languages and cultural narratives
- Train local leaders in language development
- Transform communities through Scripture translation
The Challenge Before Us
When a community receives Scripture in its heart language, barriers dissolve. Hope enters where hearts yearn. Children learn to read. Stories are preserved. Economic opportunities expand. Cultural identity strengthens.
But there’s a challenge: student debt shouldn’t stop God’s Word from reaching those waiting.
CHALLENGE 2024: Your Invitation to Transform Lives
This is why we’ve launched CHALLENGE 2024. It’s not just another year-end fundraising campaign—it’s your invitation to directly invest in hope. Every dollar helps equip the next generation of Bible translators, removing financial barriers that might interrupt their calling.
Revelation 7:9 paints a beautiful picture of “every nation, tribe, people and language” standing before God’s throne. This isn’t just poetry—it’s a divine blueprint we’re working to fulfill.
Will you join us in making this vision a reality? As we celebrate our 40th anniversary next year, I invite you to help us continue transforming lives.
A gift of $40 will bring a Scripture verse to life. Support our campaign (the link is below) to ensure we can bring hope and empowerment to even more communities.
Let’s make a lasting impact and celebrate 40 years of change—one village, one heart, one language at a time.
Disclaimer: I work for CanIL, where I help equip future Bible translators. The statistics referenced in this post are available via SIL Global & Wycliffe Global Alliance. For more information about CanIL, read the latest issue of Faith Today.